Friday, October 10, 2008

So, I guess Todd's my boyfriend...

Or at least that's what he's telling people, though I don't remember any discussion along those lines.

In fairness, we've been out several times now, and kissed at the end of every date.

And now I have to say something really awful: It's not getting better. Not the dates, not the kissing. Now, I love kissing. Like, a lot. Kissing is a good thing. It's possible that I like it TOO much. So the fact that I DREAD kissing Todd is not. a. good. sign.

But it's not just that I can't stand the thought of kissing him. I can't stand the thought of being ALONE with him anymore. He's so, so boring. Ugh. I'm not sure what to do. I've led him on. This is my fault. And now he's telling everyone that I'm his girlfriend, which means that now I have to break up with him, whereas otherwise I could just sorta stop seeing him.

I'm really bad at breaking up with people. Just ask my last two ex-boyfriends. I strung them on for weeks (or months!) before finally saying, "look, we're done."

Tonight, Todd and I are going to a big party hosted by the radio station. It's also a cancer walk thingy, so I guess I'll be walking with him some of the time. I won't back out now, I've already committed to it. But maybe afterwards we can talk. As in, "talk." Akh!

Wish me luck...