Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Find more Wordless Wednesday participants here.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Oh. Mygosh.

I got into the play. Okay, it's not a lead or anything, but it's a PART, and that's all I care about!

Oh... and Taylor got in too... I knew he would.

The cast is pretty small-- only 15 people or so. Which means that we're all undoubtedly going to bond, right? ;-)

I've never looked forward to rehearsals so much in my whole life.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pardon me while I float through this dreamland!

Last night was the big night! Janie, Sherrie, and Marissa (my roommates-- we have one more--Hailey-- but she's got a boyfriend, and therefore doesn't hang out with us much) all went over to Spencer and Todd's apartment to watch a movie. Spencer has a massive TV... and that's the best thing there is to say about the movie. They'd rented Rushmore, which they claimed was the best movie ever.

Um... I'd go with LAMEST movie ever. Seriously. Have you seen it? Ugh! Don't!

But, fortunately, I wasn't there to watch the movie. I was there to become... uh... better acquainted with Todd. You know, Hotty Toddy with the Naughty Body. (And yes, i called him that. How could I not?)

Well, last time I saw Todd, I thought that he was perhaps a bit stand-off-ish. Maybe a little out of my league or something. Um, well, he's convinced me otherwise now. He was so flirty and into me. I was kinda taken off guard, honestly! Anyway, we sat super close together throughout the movie and... well... he smelled really great. Hahaha.

When the LAMEST MOVIE EVER was over and everyone was gathering their stuff and saying goodbye and so on, Todd pulled me out into the hallway alone because he "wanted to talk to me." When we were alone, he seemed almost nervous! It was so cute! He asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him on Tuesday (he doesn't work at the radio station on Tuesday). I said "yes!"-- probably a bit too eagerly, but hey. Who cares? I've got a date with Todd!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

And in walks Brad Pitt...

About a week ago, I walked passed a sign, announcing auditions for a play that day. Okay, now that I've changed my major and moved to a new school, my plan was to stay away from the theater department. There's something addicting about acting, despite the fact that I suck at it... and the stress involved messes with my head. Basically, I HATE theater-- which is why I changed my major in the first place. And yet, I saw this announcement and decided that... well... I wanted to audition.

So I went to the audition. And... I rocked it, if I may say so myself. And I got called back!

(Here is where I need to interject that the assistant director is crazy hot. I guess he's a professor here. I bet he's very popular... I think I might sign up for his class, even though I'm NOT A THEATER MAJOR ANYMORE. But hey... if the professor's hot... I'd even be a math major.) (Hahaha. Have you ever heard of a hot math professor?)

So I went to call backs. Here we were, a bunch of hopefulls in a large classroom, reading pieces of the script that were given to us, and watching each other. Possibly hating each other. Knowing that we were competing with each other. Trying to outdo each other.

Almost everyone there knew each other, of course. Small school, third-year theater majors, mostly. There were a couple of outsiders like me, but we were the exception.

And then the door opens and the most gorgeous man I've ever seen in person walks in the door. Okay, it WASN'T Brad Pitt, but he could have been his clone (well, his 24-year old clone). So, so beautiful.

And I was gawking at him. Oh my gosh, it's so embarrassing. I'm normally a bit cooler than that, but in this case I could. not. help it. He was so out-of-this-world gorgeous. It was clear that every woman in the room thought the same thing I did. He didn't seem to notice. He's probably really used to it...

Anyway, his name is Taylor. He's as charismatic and charming as he is gorgeous. And he was great in callbacks. He's definitely got the role he was hoping for.

Do I?

I'm suddenly REALLY wanting this part! I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hotty Toddy with the Naughty Body

So this afternoon, I was listening to the university's radio station and I heard the DJ call the DJ who was coming in to replace him, "Hotty Toddy with the Naughty Body." Okay, if that weren't funny enough, I was then informed that this is the same Todd from my last post. MY Todd. I'm laughing so hard...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The New Girl in Town

I moved to Small Town just prior to this school year. Because it is a small town university, the students, by the time they're my age (20) are mostly established. They have their friends, their groups, their hang-outs, etc.

But being the new girl, I don't have any of those things. In some ways it makes things a little bit lonely, but mostly it's fun because the whole world is open to me. I haven't been pigeon-holed yet.

Today I went to church with my roommate, Janie. As we were walking down the hallway, two boys walked past us. Now, suffice it to say that one was gorgeous, the other... well... not so much. Janie grabbed my arm so hard that I thought she was having a heart attack.

"Holy Shnikeys!" (Yeah, she really said "shnikeys") "That's Spencer." From the dreamy look on her face, I gathered that there was some history there. I also realized that the cute boy was officially off limits to me, since I'm just NOT going to start off the semester by chasing my roomies crush.

Maybe in my second semester...

"Well," I said carefully. "Are we going to go talk to them?" Janie is a bit shy, and possibly a touch... uh... homely. Definitely not a pro at the flirting game yet. I have so much to teach her. haha.

She took a deep breath and said, "yeah. Let's go talk to them." She walked a bit faster to catch up with them and called out Spencer's name.

And the ugly dude turned around.

"Oh, hey Janie," said the not-very-attractive Spencer. I realized that Janie's crush was NOT the boy I'd been eyeing, which means that the hot one was NOT off limits...

Cue introductions and small talk and Janie talking in a voice that sounded a couple octaves too high... but she was super cute, and Spencer seemed really happy to reconnect with her. So, if nothing else, at least Janie has something to beam about.

As for the hot one, his name is Todd. And, in case I hadn't mentioned it yet, he's hot. Like... way hot. Haha. I have no idea if he's the slightest bit interested in me, but we'll find out soon enough. The boys invited us and our other roomies over for a movie at their apartment on Friday. We'll see how that goes...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nice to meet you...

I created this blog a while back, intending to use it as an outlet for my photography or my writing or something artsy-fartsy like that. And I may still play along with "wordless wednesday" and maybe some writing games or something, but mostly... not.

Today, in my Creative Writing class, my professor suggested that we keep a journal of the things that happen to us every day. Drama happens every day. Conflict happens every day. And over the years, we can go back to our journal of real life events and turn those realities into fantastic fiction.

So, I thought I'd try that, since that's what I want to do when this college scene is all over.

That means that this blog is no longer an outlet for creativity. This is my journal.

And, well, not just any journal, but my love journal. Haha, okay. Fine. "Love" may be too strong a word. Let's just leave it at "the boys who show up in my life and what I choose to do with them" (when the choice is mine... which, let's face it, is only SOMETIMES the case)!