Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pardon me while I float through this dreamland!

Last night was the big night! Janie, Sherrie, and Marissa (my roommates-- we have one more--Hailey-- but she's got a boyfriend, and therefore doesn't hang out with us much) all went over to Spencer and Todd's apartment to watch a movie. Spencer has a massive TV... and that's the best thing there is to say about the movie. They'd rented Rushmore, which they claimed was the best movie ever.

Um... I'd go with LAMEST movie ever. Seriously. Have you seen it? Ugh! Don't!

But, fortunately, I wasn't there to watch the movie. I was there to become... uh... better acquainted with Todd. You know, Hotty Toddy with the Naughty Body. (And yes, i called him that. How could I not?)

Well, last time I saw Todd, I thought that he was perhaps a bit stand-off-ish. Maybe a little out of my league or something. Um, well, he's convinced me otherwise now. He was so flirty and into me. I was kinda taken off guard, honestly! Anyway, we sat super close together throughout the movie and... well... he smelled really great. Hahaha.

When the LAMEST MOVIE EVER was over and everyone was gathering their stuff and saying goodbye and so on, Todd pulled me out into the hallway alone because he "wanted to talk to me." When we were alone, he seemed almost nervous! It was so cute! He asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him on Tuesday (he doesn't work at the radio station on Tuesday). I said "yes!"-- probably a bit too eagerly, but hey. Who cares? I've got a date with Todd!!!!