Friday, September 19, 2008

Nice to meet you...

I created this blog a while back, intending to use it as an outlet for my photography or my writing or something artsy-fartsy like that. And I may still play along with "wordless wednesday" and maybe some writing games or something, but mostly... not.

Today, in my Creative Writing class, my professor suggested that we keep a journal of the things that happen to us every day. Drama happens every day. Conflict happens every day. And over the years, we can go back to our journal of real life events and turn those realities into fantastic fiction.

So, I thought I'd try that, since that's what I want to do when this college scene is all over.

That means that this blog is no longer an outlet for creativity. This is my journal.

And, well, not just any journal, but my love journal. Haha, okay. Fine. "Love" may be too strong a word. Let's just leave it at "the boys who show up in my life and what I choose to do with them" (when the choice is mine... which, let's face it, is only SOMETIMES the case)!