Friday, September 26, 2008

And in walks Brad Pitt...

About a week ago, I walked passed a sign, announcing auditions for a play that day. Okay, now that I've changed my major and moved to a new school, my plan was to stay away from the theater department. There's something addicting about acting, despite the fact that I suck at it... and the stress involved messes with my head. Basically, I HATE theater-- which is why I changed my major in the first place. And yet, I saw this announcement and decided that... well... I wanted to audition.

So I went to the audition. And... I rocked it, if I may say so myself. And I got called back!

(Here is where I need to interject that the assistant director is crazy hot. I guess he's a professor here. I bet he's very popular... I think I might sign up for his class, even though I'm NOT A THEATER MAJOR ANYMORE. But hey... if the professor's hot... I'd even be a math major.) (Hahaha. Have you ever heard of a hot math professor?)

So I went to call backs. Here we were, a bunch of hopefulls in a large classroom, reading pieces of the script that were given to us, and watching each other. Possibly hating each other. Knowing that we were competing with each other. Trying to outdo each other.

Almost everyone there knew each other, of course. Small school, third-year theater majors, mostly. There were a couple of outsiders like me, but we were the exception.

And then the door opens and the most gorgeous man I've ever seen in person walks in the door. Okay, it WASN'T Brad Pitt, but he could have been his clone (well, his 24-year old clone). So, so beautiful.

And I was gawking at him. Oh my gosh, it's so embarrassing. I'm normally a bit cooler than that, but in this case I could. not. help it. He was so out-of-this-world gorgeous. It was clear that every woman in the room thought the same thing I did. He didn't seem to notice. He's probably really used to it...

Anyway, his name is Taylor. He's as charismatic and charming as he is gorgeous. And he was great in callbacks. He's definitely got the role he was hoping for.

Do I?

I'm suddenly REALLY wanting this part! I'll keep you posted.